V4.136 12/11/2023 Hosted

V4.136 12/11/2023 Hosted


Hosted Gateway:

Date: 12/11/2023 
Start Time: 20:00 UCT +2 
Duration: 2-4hrs 
Expected Downtime: 5-10mins.

Release Notes Overview

The release notes provided in this document serve as an initial preview of the changes expected in the upcoming production release scheduled for November 12th 2023, on the Hosted Gateway . 


The Gateway release notes will contain information related to the new iVeri software release. The release notes will include the impact of software release to the intended target audience.

The release notes will adopt the format outlined below, as applicable:

  • Compliance - Refers to the adherence of the software to specific industry standards, regulations, or internal policies. This includes ensuring that the software meets legal and regulatory requirements and follows best practices.
  • Optimisation - The process of refining or improving a software solution to enhance its performance, efficiency, or effectiveness.
  • Feature - Refers to a specific functionality or capability that is added or enhanced in the new version of the software. It represents a distinct and valuable aspect of the software that provides additional benefits or options to the users

In addition to the mentioned format, the release notes will be divided into the following sections:

  • Section 1: Compliance, Optimisation and Features applicable to All Customers.
  • Section 2: Compliance, Optimisation and Features that are Client specific.
  • Section 3: Compliance, Optimisation and Features that are Internal to iVeri.

Section 1: All Customers


Subject: Transitioning Gateway Log Extension from .csv to .log
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: To address readability and formatting concerns when opening Gateway logs in Excel, logs will now carry the .log extension instead of .csv. This change ensures smoother compatibility with Excel and enhances the log viewing experience.

Subject: Improvements in Amex Transaction Receipts: EMV Support and Device Serial Number Integration Enhancement
Product/Platform: Gateway-BackOffice
Release Description:Refine layout and content of Amex transaction receipts for both merchants and customers.


Subject: Introducing the 'Foreign Retailer' Indicator for Marketplaces via Enterprise API Transactions
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release description: In adherence to Visa regulations governing Marketplaces, we have implemented a "Foreign Retail Indicator" within Enterprise API's for Marketplaces. This indicator is specifically designed to be applied to transactions processed by the Marketplace on behalf of a foreign seller, ensuring full compliance with Visa guidelines. The newly added parameter aids in identifying a foreign retailer (seller) within a marketplace.

Subject: Optimizing Distributor Parameters Sequence in Admin Website
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release description: In the Admin Website, under 'System' > 'Distributor' > 'Parameters', related distributor parameters have been reorganized. This update aims to enhance user experience by facilitating easier identification and navigation of parameters that work in tandem.

Subject: Enhanced iVeri Batch Functionality with Support for Reversals via Original Request ID
Product/Platform: Gateway-Batch
Release Description: Merchants can now initiate reversals in Batch transactions by specifying the Request ID of the original transaction. It's important to note that both the original and subsequent reversal must be carried out on the same merchant application ID for this feature to be operational.

Subject: Backoffice Now Supports Viewing and Processing PosPort Transactions
Product/Platform: Gateway-BackOffice
Release Description: A new PosPort menu allows users to view and process transactions from the stand-alone NewPOS device. Users can now view transaction details and perform follow-up transactions directly in Backoffice. This provides an integrated POS experience between the PosPort device and Backoffice.

Subject: Blacklist Management with Transaction Identifier
Product/Platform: Gateway-BackOffice
Release Description: Now, merchants can utilize a transaction identifier to efficiently add or remove a card from the blacklist within Backoffice, streamlining the management of restricted cards.

 Section 2: Client Specific 

This section will present client-specific release notes, organized in compliance, optimization, and feature categories, as applicable. Please note that additional information has been included to identify the client.


Client: Retail Assist
Subject: RA Postillion Provider Interface Merchant Street Address Update
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: In response to location data requirements, especially from aggregators, we have incorporated support for the inclusion of the merchant's 'Street Address'. If this information is included in the transactions sent to the iVeri Gateway or configured on the merchant profile, the Gateway will ensure that the same value is populated in the transaction message to Retail Assist.

Client: CSC
Subject:  Updated Settlement File Data for Terminal Capability and Capture Method (VISA)
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: This update pertains to changes made in the Settlement file data, specifically regarding Terminal Capability and Capture Method, in compliance with VISA standards.

Client: CSC
Subject: "Country of Origin" in Authorisation Messages (MasterCard Compliance)
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: In accordance with MasterCard's directive, wherein "Country of Origin" is now a mandatory requirement for merchants falling under specific business categories (MCC), a modification has been made to ensure this value is correctly transmitted in the authorization message.

Client: CSC
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: The device serial number length in the BA file has been adjusted to 8 characters, in compliance with the requirement communicated by CSC, instead of the previous 10.


Client: I&M
Subject: Configuration Updates for M-Pesa Transaction Declines
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: The M-Pesa configurations have been updated to address the issue where transactions were being declined as a result of previously overridden configurations.

Client: I&M
Subject: Real-time M-Pesa Transaction Status Updates
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: In order to tackle the issue of M-Pesa responses coinciding with transaction time-outs, we have implemented an update. This update ensures that the transaction status is verified before being marked as a timeout, preventing any discrepancies between the status seen by the user and the status recorded on the Gateway.

Client: CIM Finance
Subject: Auditing Changes in ICPS File Processor
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core 
Release Description: In this release, we have implemented configuration updates and modified stored procedures to resolve the issue where the ICPS file processor was failing to update the audit tables associated with merchant and application creations. These changes ensure accurate and up-to-date records for these crucial processes.

Client: CBZ
Subject: Missing FormFactor Tag on CBZ Postillion Provider Transactions
Product/Platform: Cardinal-Core
Release Description: This fix ensures the proper inclusion of the formFactor tag on transactions processed through CBZ Postillion, enhancing transaction accuracy and compatibility.

Client: CBZ
Subject: Rectifying Exception during Merchant Profile Parameter Updates on Admin Portal
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: Resolved an issue related to updating parameters for merchant profiles on the Admin portal. The validator has been adjusted to handle the MerchantName field correctly, preventing any null pointer exceptions. This ensures a seamless experience when making updates.


Client: Retail Assist
Subject: QR-Based Transactions Support for Shop2Shop
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: We've broadened transaction capabilities to include Shop2Shop transactions using QR codes. This integration now leverages RabbitMQ for efficient transaction status processing. To utilize this functionality seamlessly, ensure you have the correct cardinal version for Shop2Shop and the newPos app.

Client: Retail Assist
Subject: Introducing Retail Assist Postillion Provider
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin 
Release Description: This new provider is tailored for merchants created under the RA distributor who intend to process transactions through RA as their designated acquirer.

Client: CIM Finance
Subject: Backoffice Now Supports Viewing and Processing PosPort Transactions
Product/Platform: Gateway-BackOffice
Release Description: A new PosPort menu allows users to view and process transactions from the stand-alone NewPOS device. Users can now view transaction details and perform follow-up transactions directly in Backoffice. This provides an integrated POS experience between the PosPort device and Backoffice.

Client: CIM Finance
Subject: MauCas Transactions Limited to MUR Currency
Product/Platform: Cardinal-Core
Release Description: Introduced an enhancement to limit supported currency for MauCas transactions to MUR only.

Section 3: iVeri Internal

Please note that the release notes below, in addition to Sections 1 & 2, are tailored specifically for iVeri Staff's knowledge and reference.


Subject: Efficient Handling of Multiple Card Schemes in Netcetera 3DS Versioning API
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: We've incorporated a crucial change in the Netcetera 3DS implementation. Now, we verify the presence of the relevant card scheme (Visa/Mastercard) in the Versioning API. This alteration was made to rectify a previous issue where an incorrect card scheme was identified in the versioning API response, resulting in the submission of the wrong 3DS protocol version during authentication.

Subject: Introducing a Retry Mechanism in the HSM Service
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: We have implemented a retry mechanism to address potential instances where the HSM service encounters difficulty starting up.

Subject: Enhanced Audit Trail for iVeri PSP Applications Updates
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: Failure to Update Application Common Audit Table for OnRamp and PSP Application Creation in Merchant Admin Site. Fixes implemented in the stored procedures, ensuring that iVeri PSP applications are now audited.

Subject: Missing Audits for Applications Created via Admin Website
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: The auditApplicationCommon table is not updated when a user creates a new application via the Admin Website. Fixes implemented in the stored procedures, where auditing was not performed on applications created via the Admin website.

Subject: Failed SMS Delivery of OTP to iVeri PSP Merchants
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: This fix incorporates distinctions and condition handling within the Admin website, enabling it to determine the appropriate SMS provider per distributor. This ensures the reliable generation and delivery of SMS notifications to iVeri PSP merchants, addressing previous issues with SMS generation.

Subject: Synchronization of Changes from Primary to Partner (Secondary) Gateway
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: When syncing to a new gateway and changing application status on the target, the status doesn't synchronize back to the original source. This fix ensures that updates to merchant data are seamlessly propagated from the primary gateway to the partner gateway.

Subject: User Notifications for iVeri Product Provider App Parameter Updates
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: The fix now enables https://iveri.productproviderappparameterupdate.exe/ to be user-aware, ensuring that any changes made are accurately tracked and recorded.

Subject: Audit Trail for Provider Transaction Type Management Updates
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: This update focuses on capturing and recording changes made in the Transaction Type Management at the provider level within the Admin website. 

Subject: Auditing Transaction Types in Application and Common Provider Parameters
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: This update includes changes that enable auditing of application provider common parameters, as well as transaction types at both the application and provider levels.

Subject: Auditing Updates in Transaction Type Management
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: This update involves recording any changes made in the Transaction Type Management section of the Admin website.

Subject: Admin Crashes During Group Certificate Assignment Attempt
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: This fix addresses situations where the Admin website experiences a crash when attempting to use the certificate button in the absence of any listed certificates.

Subject: Improved Error Page for Database Startup Issues
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: This update refines the error page to specifically indicate when the database is not started, eliminating unnecessary investigation in unrelated areas. The previous error page, which was a catch-all, led to confusion and unnecessary troubleshooting efforts.

Subject: Provisions to support Triple Length Keys
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: To enable key loading for triple length keys, we must convert our existing TDES SMK to an AES-KB SMK. The method for loading keys with a TDES SMK only supports up to double length keys. We've streamlined the AES HSM system to now support "triple length keys" through the addition of key functions and corresponding management enhancements.

Subject: Updated ISO Codes Utilized by the Gateway
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: ISO Codes is a standard defining codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. Measures have been implemented to ensure the accurate utilization of ISO codes within the Gateway.

Subject: Incorrect Divert Payment Request Format
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: This update resolves a prior issue where attaching an invoice in Divert led to the payment request being formatted incorrectly

Subject: Introducing FNB Branding in Backoffice Interface
Product/Platform: Gateway-Merchant Admin
Release Descriptions: Backoffice Themes Updated with FNB Corporate Colors

Subject: Enhanced Audit Trail Functionality for Certificate Application Changes in Admin UI
Product / Platform: Gateway-Admin 
Release Description: Implementation of Audit Stored Procedure for Tracking CertificateApplication Changes on Admin Portal

Subject: Implementing Audit Functionality for Gateway Sync
Product / Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: When a merchant profile is synchronized from one gateway to another, the audit tables on the recipient gateway are now updated to reflect that it has been modified by the gateway synchronization process.


Subject: Seamless Multi-HSM Integration for Enhanced Scaling and Redundancy
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: Our latest gateway release now allows for the concurrent use of multiple HSMs, ensuring heightened security and increased redundancy in response to evolving operational demands.

Subject: Streamlined UI Menu for Managing Backoffice Installation Parameters
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: iVeri Admin users can now seamlessly add Backoffice installations, customizing details like Backoffice URL, Backoffice name, distributor name, and more. This enhancement also enables easy updates to existing Backoffice configurations through the intuitive Admin Website interface, under Maintenance > System > Local Backoffice.

Subject: Audit Trail Implemented for UserLogAlert Database Table
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: This ensures a detailed record of any changes made to a user's alert subscriptions. The table will now maintain a comprehensive log of all added and removed subscriptions, providing clear visibility into which user initiated these configurations. This enhancement brings an added layer of transparency and accountability to alert management.

Subject: Merchant Profile Migration in Admin Website
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin
Release Description: A new capability that allows for the effortless migration of merchant profiles directly via the Admin UI. This enhancement streamlines the process, providing users with a convenient and efficient way to manage their merchant profiles.

Subject: Launch of the New iVeri Gateway Hosted on AWS
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: We're pleased to introduce a new iVeri Gateway installation hosted on AWS, expanding our network of managed Gateways. Leading the charge on this platform will be FNB and Retail Assist as first distributors.

Subject: Integration of iVeri Gateway with FNB for Ecommerce Processing
Product/Platform: Gateway-Core
Release Description: We are pleased to announce the introduction of support for ecommerce and card-not-present transactions on the iVeri Gateway to FNB. This integration now includes streamlined recon file processing for added efficiency and convenience.

Subject: Forcing PSP Merchant Details into Evolution
Product/Platform: Gateway-Admin 
Release Description: Added Mechanism for Pushing iVeri PSP Merchant Details for Settlement in Evolution