Divert Functionality
The Divert API has a parameter “CreateTransactionUrl” that can be set to either “True or “False”. The value set determines how the Gateway handles and processes the message request.
Scenario 1
- If CreateTransactionUrl is set to“True” - the Gateway generates a transaction URL and makes a callback to the merchant with the URL.
- The merchant can then construct and format their own message, including the URL (returned by the Gateway) and distribute the message to their cardholder using either SMS|Email
- When the cardholder receives the messages, it will have all the particulars of the merchant, the cardholder can then click on the URL, and be redirected to a payment page wherein they can make a payment to the merchant
Scenario 2
- If CreateTransactionUrl is set to “False” – the Gateway processes the request, packages the payment request and distributes into the cardholder’s specified email address on behalf of the merchant
- When the cardholder receives the messages, it will have all the particulars of the merchant, the cardholder can then click on the URL and be redirected to a payment page wherein they can make a payment to the merchant
Transaction Notifications
Merchants making use of the API should also implement OOB ( out of band notifications) where the iVeri Gateway will notify the merchants endpoint of any transactions completed.
Divert - Payment Link Parameters
The below table parameters carry one the following definitions and descriptions can be referenced on https://www.iveri.co.za/slides/slide/parameter-description-559 and where API and their structure resides on https://www.iveri.co.za/slides/slide/rest-api-649
M |
Mandatory |
O |
Optional |
C |
Conditional |
blank |
not relevant |
Divert Parameter per Action
Context |
Parameter |
RequestForDebit |
RequestForAuthorisation |
Core |
ApplicationID |
M |
M |
Core |
Category |
M |
M |
Core |
CertificateID |
M |
M |
Core |
Gateway |
O |
O |
Core |
Command |
M |
M |
Core |
Mode |
M |
M |
Common |
Amount |
M |
M |
Common |
Currency |
M |
M |
Common |
MerchantReference |
M |
M |
Common |
CardHolderName |
M |
M |
Common |
CardHolderEmail |
C |
C |
Common |
OrderDescription |
O |
O |
Common |
AllowBudgetPeriod |
O |
O |
Common |
RequestExpiryDate |
O |
O |
Common |
CreateTransactionUrl |
O |
O |
Divert Sample Request/Response
REQUEST { "Version": "2.0", "CertificateID": "{c5fb89bb-d823-4204-8df8-c0485ac9e113}", "ProductType": "Enterprise", "ProductVersion": "WebAPI", "Direction": "Request", "Enquiry": { "ApplicationID": "{e879975b-df4a-4e13-8ed1-102579581827}", "Command": "RequestForDebit", "Mode": "Test", "MerchantReference": "20220226_1225", "Amount":"2000", "Currency":"ZAR", "OrderDescription":"Check1", "AllowBudgetPeriod":"False", "CardHolderName":"Kersh", "CardHolderEmail": "test@hotmail.com", "RequestExpiryDate": "20230201", "CreateTransactionUrl": "True" } }
RESPONSE { "Version": "2.0", "Direction": "Response", "Enquiry": { "MerchantReference": "20220226_1225", "TransactionUrl": "https://portal.nedsecure.co.za/DiVert/Authorise.aspx?RequestId=9F5DD3CA-5195-4957-A9E6-79FFF5E021BD&SecurityToken=OGlIUU5ETkNtOEZMTG9xcGhQTUNiNmxwUGVuRUtLRy9aWktXNEZHSmJRaz01", "ApplicationID": "{E879975B-DF4A-4E13-8ED1-102579581827}", "Command": "RequestForDebit", "Mode": "Test", "RequestID": "{3C35B9CF-ACC6-416D-8A1C-0EDB1D61B592}", "Result": { "Status": "0", "Code": "0", "Description": "", "AppServer": "105IVERIAPPPR2N", "DBServer": "105iveridbpr01n", "Gateway": "Nedbank" } } }
REQUEST <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<soapenv:Body> <Execute xmlns="http://iveri.com/"> <validateRequest>false</validateRequest> <protocol>V_XML</protocol> <protocolVersion>7.0</protocolVersion> <request><V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="3c993f-71dd-4044-802d-6e234effe8f2" ProductType="Enterprise" ProductVersion="iVeriWebService" Direction="Request"> <Enquiry ApplicationID="ec5729c-1d35-4208-86df-61c85cd447ae" Command="RequestForDebit" Mode="LIVE"> <Amount>3100</Amount> <Currency>ZAR</Currency> <MerchantReference>20290516.1241</MerchantReference> <OrderDescription>Bu:20260104.0922</OrderDescription> <AllowBudgetPeriod></AllowBudgetPeriod> <CardHolderName>TestUser</CardHolderName> <CardholderEmail>test@gmail.com</CardholderEmail> <RequestExpiryDate>2025025</RequestExpiryDate> <CreateTransactionUrl>True</CreateTransactionUrl> </Enquiry> </V_XML> </request> </Execute> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> RESPONSE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <soap:Body> <ExecuteResponse xmlns="http://iveri.com/"> <ExecuteResult><V_XML Version="2.0" Direction="Response"> <Enquiry ApplicationID="{E157729C-1D35-4208-86DF-61C85CD447AE}" Command="RequestForDebit" Mode="Live" RequestID=" {0E248DED-3F9F-47EC-A13D-4513CD9F8CBE} "> <Result Status="0" Code="0" Description="" AppServer="QA2019GWAPP01" DBServer="QA2019GWDB02" Gateway="QA" /> <MerchantReference>20290516.1241</MerchantReference> </TransactionUrl >https://portal.iveri.net/DiVert/Authorise.aspx? RequestId=43BD2F43-52FB-4638-9588-C349CC106D85&amp;SecurityToken=cERub2NhOHVYTVV0YTVXMVRFdUpQOWNzbmpoREplR3RkeW4wc2VlWTVyOD01 </TransactionUrl>
> </Enquiry></V_XML></ExecuteResult> </ExecuteResponse> </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
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