* LiteBox Hosted Payment Page * ** The LiteBox hosted payment page is an e-commerce solution that allows merchants to connect, send payment requests to the iVeri Payment Gateway without redirecting the cardholder away from their website. When implemented, the LiteBox pops up and sits in-front of the merchant’s website. From a merchant/cardholder point of view the LiteBox solution provides a more seamless checkout experience. An example is available online on None [1] this link . To simulate the LiteBox behaviour, click on “Modal”. Merchants’ developers can download the JavaScript library that handles the events to generate the button. The library can be found on the following URLs: For Nedbank acquired merchants located in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland: https://p

Add User * ** / Purpose /* - To add/capture the details for a new user. / Action /*: Hover over to Users. The following screen will appear. Select “Add New User”. Fill in all the mandatory fields (marked [*]) and click on “Save changes”. A resultant message will be displayed.

Add User * ** / Purpose /* - To add/capture the details for a new user / Action /*: Hover over to Users. The following screen will appear. Select “Add New User” Fill in all the mandatory fields (marked [*]) and click on “Save changes”. A resultant message will be displayed.

* Authorisation Reversal * * Unreserve the funds previously reserved on the cardholder’s account.

* View – Authorisations * * */ Purpose /*- To view the transactions for which you originally only obtained an Authorisation. This allows you to now use that Authorisation code to Debit the cardholder by doing a Subsequent Transaction [1] to debit the cardholder and obtain the money in your bank account. */ Action: /* In the menu bar, Select DiVert, Transactions, View Authorisation. Click on the Application ID you wish to view Authorisations. Select the Date or Date range and click on Search. A list of transactions will be displayed Choose a date and select Search [1] http://www.iveri.co.za/knowsystem/subsequent-transaction-151?enable_editor

Add User

Add User * ** / Purpose /* - To add/capture the details for a new user / Action /*: Hover over to Users. The following screen will appear. Select “Add New User” Fill in all the mandatory fields (marked [*]) and click on “Save changes”. A resultant message will be displayed.

Authorisation Header * ** The authorisation header must be recalculated and sent on ever request. If the token calculated server side does not match the token sent, the client will receive “HTTP Error 401 Unauthorised”. Authorisation Header: Authorisation: Basic usergroup=””, username=””, timestamp=””, token=””* Usergroup = Backoffice credentials used to login to the backoffice website UserName = Backoffice credentials used to login to the backoffice website Timestamp = UTC date time in the format of “yyyyMMddHHmmssfff”(in java this would be “yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS”) Token =Base64 value, calculation shown below Calculating the authorisation token: c#* MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create(); SHA256 sha256 = SHA256.Create(); string formattedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"); [1] byte[]

Core Functions in Backoffice* ** The merchant portal Backoffice allows for the following core functions Management of User Creation of users Transaction Types allowed per user created Backoffice functionality views allowed Applications permitted on a user created Transaction Reports & Listing & Lookups Recon Reports Blacklisting of cards Customise payment request page with Merchant’s Corporate Identity. Create Transaction Requests Process Subsequent Transactions (Refunds)


Enterprise * **

Gateway Addresses

/ Nedbank Gateway /* – Applicable for Nedbank acquired merchants located in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland Website * URL * Port * BackOffice *   [1] https://backoffice.nedsecure.co.za/   443 * Lite   [2] https://portal.nedsecure.co.za/Lite/Authorise.aspx   Authorization Information   [3] https://portal.nedsecure.co.za/Lite/AuthoriseInfo.aspx   / CIM Hosted Gateway /* – Applicable for merchants acquired by CIM Finance in Mauritius Website * URL * Port * BackOffice *   [4] https://backoffice.merchant.cim.mu/   443 * Lite   [5] https://portal.merchant.cim.mu/Lite/Authorise.aspx   Authorization Information   [6] https://portal.merchant.cim.mu/Lite/AuthoriseInfo.aspx   / CSC Hosted Gateway */– Applicable for merchants that acquired by banks af