POS Device Intergration

 The following section covers the details of POS Device integration (particularly PIN based transactions). PIN transactions are encrypted either using Triple DES DUKPT or Triple DES Master/Session encryption architecture. The combination of Acquirer and type of device used determine the encryption architecture chosen.

iVeri provides facilities where PIN transactions can be process in either mode Live or Test.For security reasons, a key cannot be used in both modes Live and Test. Therefore, a device is either loaded for mode Test or mode Live.

A Device that is to be used for mode Live must be injected with a key within an iVeri Trusted Centre using the appropriate encryption architecture.A Device that is to be used for mode Test may be injected by a merchant, or within the Trusted https://centre.to/ change a device from mode Test to Live, device has to be reinjected with a key within an iVeri Trusted Centre.A merchant wishing to perform a Live Debit with PIN transaction requires an approved device that has been injected appropriately by the appropriate distributor.