Developer Guides

Developer Guides * ** These Guides are for developers and will be specific to each of the iVeri products

* Test phase * ** The iVeri Gateway provides a mechanism where a merchant can perform test transactions that are routed to an iVeri Gateway issuer simulator. This enables a merchant to complete testing within the test environment. When the merchant is ready to process LIVE transactions, the acquiring bank can activate the merchant profile for LIVE processing which will be routed to the genuine card issuer. When performing a test transaction, using your Test Application ID, the following credit card numbers must be used, based on whether 3DS is enabled, and the MPI (3DS Provider) at play: /* Non-3DS iVeri Gateway test cards: */ * Card Number * * Result Status * * Result Description * 4242424242424242 *  Expiry Date * : Current or future date 0 “” 2121212121212121 (Randomly returns one of 3


* Overview of iVeri Lite - The Hosted Payment Page *** The iVeri Lite hosted payment page is an ecommerce solution designed for merchants who want to accept card payments in their online stores. The iVeri Lite hosted payment page can be integrated in one of three ways: *Full Redirect* - A full Redirect to the Hosted payment page shifts the interaction of the shopper/buyer away from the merchant’s website and only goes back to the merchant website when the transaction is complete. *LiteBox *- The LiteBox hosted payment appears or pops up within the merchant’s website, the merchant’s website remains unchanged, providing for a more user friendly and seamless checkout experience for both cardholder and merchant. *Shopping Carts* - The iVeri Lite hosted payment page is integrated to some of the

* Development phase * ** At this stage you will proceed with development based on the integration method [1] you have selected, and may reach out for your contact at the acquiring bank if you require support. [1] /knowsystem/general-requirements-10

iVeri Lite WooCommerce 8 Plug-in

* iVeri Lite WooCommerce * ** The iVeri Lite Payment Gateway is a plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing merchants to accept payment through the iVeri Payment Gateway. The extension works by giving customers the option to pay via iVeri and then redirecting them to iVeri to make payment. * /Installation/ * The plugin can be installed in 2 ways: 1. Upload the zip file using the WordPress Admin Plugin Upload 2. Upload the extracted zip file via FTP to /wp-content/plugins/ on your WordPress website To change the logo that appears on the website, replace the logo.png file with the correct logo.png file you would like to make use of. The file is located under /assets/images/. Please keep the file name the same and the dimensions of the logo/image the same. */ Usage /* A merchant account and r

3D secure transaction process flow * ** Cardholder is on the merchant’s checkout page, ready to pay for their order. They will input and submit their card details on the payment page hosted by the Gateway. The Gateway will proceed to check if the card in use is enrolled in 3DS by sending a request to the Directory Server. Directory Server will respond with enrollment status. Considering the response is positive and the card is enrolled for 3DS,  The Gateway will redirect to the issuer ACS for authentication The ACS will prompt the cardholder to insert and submit OTP/Password/credential(etc.) Considering the authentication was successful, the response is returned to the gateway to confirm successful authentication Gateway then forwards the transaction details to the acquirer for authorizati

* Full Redirect – Hosted Payment Page *** An example is available online on None [1] this link [1]

* iVeri Lite Process Flow * ** iVeri Lite requires very little integration and is aimed at Internet merchants who have limited technical resources. Lite transactions are processed on a web site and secured via an SSL certificate without the merchant having to buy SSL since iVeri lite takes care of it on their behalf. Although ideal for websites with small catalogs, iVeri Lite still provides a powerful processing engine. */ Process Flow /* This diagram illustrates the flow of events of an iVeri Lite transaction: /*Process Flow Description:*/ (1) The cardholder is at the point in the purchase process where the basket has already been selected and he is now on the brink of paying for it. The website thus knows the price of the basket, the Invoice Number (the merchant could also have iVeri Bac

*Registering as a merchant * ** Merchant account can be attained by registering with an acquiring bank, a list of which can be found on this page [1] [1] /knowsystem/distributors-contact-information-33

Additional Variables * ** Note: *These are form variables that are not part of the iVeri Lite specification but may be required by the merchant. These form variables (if used) will be returned to the website together with all the iVeri Lite form variables. For added security, to prevent possible fraud by someone obtaining the websites return URL and parameters, we highly recommend that you submit an additional form variable of arbitrary name chosen by the merchant and random value which changes from transaction to transaction. This will be returned to the website along with all the iVeri Lite form variables and all you need to do is check for the existence of the form variable and that the value thereof is the same as that generated and used during the submission of the iVeri Lite page