Contenu du cours

PANToken Enquiry and Followup Transactions


The below section deals with demostrating instances where there is a requirement to tokenise a card,  a token which can be used on future based payments. 


  • Obtain a TransactionIndex for the card number and expiry date without performing a transaction. The TransactionIndex is to be used in a Tokenized transaction
  • The PANToken" command will return the Transactionindex and masked pan. Also note that this is not an actual transaction to the bank hence its is classified as Enquiry

Request XML:

<V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Direction="Request">
<Enquiry ApplicationID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Command="PANToken" Mode="Live">


Response XML:

<V_XML Version="2.0" Direction="Response">
<Enquiry ApplicationID="{FDC8479B-91F4-4CCD-8A00-7DA10E76E71E}" Command="PANToken" Mode="Live" RequestID="{5E74A412-7AE0-4CB7-93AA-49F4F1B65505}">
<Result Status="0" AppServer="105IVERIAPPPR02" DBServer="105iveridbpr01" Gateway="Nedbank">

The following field values need to be stored on your database.

  • <TransactionIndex>
  • <PAN>
  • <ExpiryDate>

Now when the cardholder is ready to do an actual transaction you will pass the above values received from the Response XML message.

In the below example, the assumption is that you have prompted for the CVV of the card hence the "CardSecurityCode" parameter/value is set

Request XML:

<V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Direction="Request">
  <Transaction ApplicationID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Command="Debit" Mode="Live">


Response XML:

<V_XML Version="2.0" Direction="Response">
<Transaction ApplicationID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Command="Debit" Mode="Live" RequestID="{BC0D7978-A6E7-4857-8367-EDBBFDD3F20D}">
<Result Status="0" AppServer="105IVERIAPPPR01" DBServer="105iveridbpr01" Gateway="Nedbank" />
<MerchantName>My Merchant</MerchantName>
<DisplayAmount>R 30.00</DisplayAmount>
<CardType>Unknown CardType</CardType>
<MerchantAddress>MERCHANT ADDRESS</MerchantAddress>
<MerchantCity>Cape Town</MerchantCity>
<MerchantCountry>South Africa</MerchantCountry>

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