Contenu du cours

The design of the iVeri Gateway is intended to give the merchant/integrator enough information to be able to respond to the merchant and/or card holder with a sensible course of action to take without delving too deeply into what the reason behind the result code is.

The following table provides a comprehensive overview of the standard result codes, along with associated descriptions for transactions processed through the iVeri Gateway

Result Status

Result Code

Result Description


0 (OK)




-1 (Not OK)


Timeout waiting for response

Either stop the transaction or wait a while before re-submitting.  Do not re-submit forever, have a limit in place of how many times a transaction can be re-submitted.

-1 (Not OK)


Gateway unreachable

Either stop the transaction or wait a while before re-submitting.  Do not re-submit forever, have a limit in place of how many times a transaction can be re-submitted.

-1 (Not OK)


Hot card


-1 (Not OK)




-1 (Not OK)


Please call

Merchant can phone their acquiring bank to obtain a telephonic authorisation.  If this is not possible then the transaction should be Denied.

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid Authentication Data

Card security code and/or 3D secure data is incorrect.

-1 (Not OK)


Card Type not accepted

The Card cannot be accepted either because the Merchant has not signed up with the association, the card type cannot be accepted on the channel that the merchant is using or the Acquirer does not support this card type.

-1 (Not OK)


Unable to process the transaction

Either stop the transaction or wait a while before re-submitting.  Do not re-submit forever, have a limit in place of how many times a transaction can be re-submitted.

-1 (Not OK)


Card blocked

The card is being blocked either by the iVeri Gateway, the Acquirer or the Issuer.  This is NOT  a hot card but one that has been blocked for some reason.

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid Amount

Amounts of zero or where the cash amount exceeds the total amount are not accepted.

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid Budget Period

The budget period chosen is not supported.

-1 (Not OK)


Void unsuccessful

Command Void

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid Card Number

The card number fails the Luhn Mod10 check, is too short or too long or contains invalid characters.

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid Track2

The track2 fails the Luhn Mod10 check, is too short or too long or contains invalid characters.

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid expiry date/Card Period

The expiry date submitted is malformed, contains invalid characters or simply incorrect.

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid Account Selection

Ask the cardholder to choose another account.

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid Authorisation code

The acquiring institution does not accept the authorisation code submitted due to length or character restrictions.

-1 (Not OK)


Incorrect PIN

Resubmitting a transaction whose response code is “Incorrect PIN” repeatedly will result in the carholders card being locked and the cardholder will have to contact their issuing bank to unlock their card.

-1 (Not OK)


Device PIN Key expired

Renew the Device PIN Key before re-submitting the same transaction.

-1 (Not OK)


EMV not supported

EMV_Cryptogram submitted

-1 (Not OK)


Card information not present

Tokenized PAN submitted but no record of the actual PAN can be found.

-1 (Not OK)


Invalid recurring account

CardHolderPresence  value Recurring submitted

-1 (Not OK)


Contactless not allowed

The use of contactless for this transaction is not supported and the customer must try again by dipping or swiping their card.

-1 (Not OK)


Single Tap

Process a “Single Tap” transaction by requesting a PIN to be entered on the device and then submitting the PIN and the data from the first transaction in a second transaction.

-1 (Not OK)


The requested file is not available for download


-1 (Not OK)


The specified file has already been uploaded


-1 (Not OK)


General Error (Exception)


1 (Warning)


Approved inspite of Invalid Authentication Data

Allow the cardholder to depart with the goods.



Merchant not enabled for 3DSecure.

3D secure: Ask iVeri support to enable 3D secure



CardholholderAuthenticationData required

3D secure: Returned when cardholder authenticated data is not included in the transaction request



ThreeDSecureAttempted or ThreeDSecure Required

3D secure: Returned when 3DSecureAttempted or 3DSecure ECI is not included or does not match to the values expected on the merchants application iD.



Transaction Cancelled by customer

Returned to merchant when customer uses the “Cancel” button on iVeri Lite and Divert payment page

1 (Warning)


Approved but Cash Denied

Hand over the goods but DO NOT hand over the cash.

1 (Warning)


Approved but Identification Required

Ask the cardholder for identification before allowing the cardholder to depart with the goods.

1 (Warning)


Partial Approval of Amount requested

The transaction is approved but for a lesser amount than requested.  Merchants need to be aware that although it is approved it is for a reduced amount and the difference must be made up some other way e.g. cash.  For this reason, it is recommened that instead of “Approved” being shown on transaction slips that “Partial Approval” is shown instead and that the amount for which it was approved must shown as well.













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