
3D secure 2 is the latest standard released by EMVCo that allows merchants and payment service providers to send additional data elements to the issuing bank of the cardholder, which in turn, makes it possible for the issuer of the card to perform frictionless authentication and offer an improved, user experience to the cardholder. With the additional data elements relating to the cardholder, issuers can apply "Frictionless" Authentication flows or “Challenged” authentication flows

Frictionless Authentication Flows:  issuers can apply risk-based decisions using the additional data received and trust that the real cardholder is making the purchase and auto authenticate the transaction in the background without requesting any additional information from the cardholder.

Challenged Authentication Flows:  When the issuer cannot apply risk-based decision using the data on record, additional information to authenticate the payment is then requested from the cardholder.

                      Integrating 3DS 2 via the iVeri Gateway

                      The following information is crucial before starting an integration to the iVeri Gateway, 

                      3DS 2 Endpoint

                      Method: POST 3D secure requests on - https://[portal base domain]/threedsecure/EnrollmentInitial

                      Format: FormData

                      3D Secure Process

                      1. Submit 3D secure request in a Form POST  or Pop-Up method
                        1. Post request on /threedsecure/EnrollmentInitial
                        2. The iVeri Gateway act as proxy and submits the 3D secure request to the 3DS MPI onbehalf of the merchant 
                      2. 3D secure MPI returns the status to the iVeri Gateway 
                      3. iVeri Gateway posts the status of the 3D secure authentication to the merchant ReturnURL
                      4. Depending on the data set returned, the merchant can proceed with the payment instruction ( Debit/Authorisation) or the transaction will have to be terminated to the customer. 

                      3D Secure Request Parameters 



                      Merchant ReturnUrl 

                      Mandatory: The URL which the Gateway will post return response parameters to 


                      Mandatory: Merchant Application ID generated upon the creation of the merchant profile on the iVeri Gateway, serves as a unique identifer for the merchant.


                      Mandatory: A merchant generated identifier that is unique within a specified time that identifies a transaction sequence.


                      Mandatory: The total value of the transaction in the smallest unit of the currency specified (eg in cents)


                      Mandatory: The ISO 4217 currency code of the value of the transaction. e.g., USD or ZAR or GBP


                      Mandatory: Card number used for transaction


                      Mandatory: The last month of the validity period of the card, formatted as MMYY or   MMYYYY


                      Optional: The 3 or 4 digits printed on the card which are not contained on the magnetic strip. Usually printed after the Card number on the signature strip. Corresponds to American Express CIV, MasterCard CVC2 and VISA CVV2

                      Response Parameters

                      Note:  Depending on the result of 3D secure authentication, the following field should be expected




                      Merchant Application ID generated upon the creation of the merchant profile on the iVeri Gateway, serves as a unique identifer for the merchant.


                       A merchant generated identifier that is unique within a specified time that identifies a transaction sequence.


                       The total value of the transaction in the smallest unit of the currency specified (eg in cents)


                       The ISO 4217 currency code of the value of the transaction. e.g., USD or ZAR or GBP




                      Card number used for transaction


                       The last month of the validity period of the card, formatted as MMYY or   MMYYYY


                       The numeric Result Code of the completed execution.


                      A description of the results of the completed execution. Only relevant where ResultStatus is Unsuccessful 


                      Possible values( not limited) to "01", "02", "03". Must be as generated on completion of the authentication process. indicates the method of authentication used.


                      Commonly known as an  XID: Unique identifier generated during the 3DS process


                       Commonly known as UCAF -(universal cardholder authentication field) for Mastercard or CAVV( cardholder authentication verification value), generated on completion of the authentication by between cardholder and card issuer


                      Commonly known as “ECI”: Indicates if the cardholder was fully authenticated, attempted or not.

                      Possible values: ThreeDSecure (ECI “05”, “02”), ThreeDSecureAttempted (“ECI “06” or “01”) or SecureChannel (ECI “07”)


                      Possible values:  Y|N|U - Indicates if the card is enrolled.


                      Unique identifier retured by the Gateway on completion of the 3DS process 


                      Indicates the version of 3D secure used


                      Directory Server Transaction ID returned on completion of the 3DS process  

                      0 0

