
Transaction Message Examples

The examples apply when using the web service interface to perform various transactions. The examples serve to showcase a set of parameters that are largely used when performing transactions using the schema definition available in the SOAP interface. The same functionality is available in the REST API

For further insights on the transaction types and their meanings, refer to the “Commands” and
Actions” sections and these have to be used in conjunction with the input parameters per actions. For the corresponding transaction flows per transactions type refer to transaction sequence

The examples cover the following messages:

The transaction Request and Response cover the following:

  • The Request message shows all the elements that are mostly used. The examples that follow will use the mandatory elements from this message necessary to perform the respective transaction covered in the example.
  • · The response message is a typical response received from the web service to the various request messages.


Sale – “Debit with PAN”

This where the cardholder is debited, and the merchant account is credited by the acquiring bank or PSP that holds the merchant agreement.










    "Transaction": {














<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"




  <Execute xmlns="http://iveri.com/">





    &lt;V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="


    ProductType="Enterprise" ProductVersion=

"iVeriWebService" Direction="Request"&gt;

    &lt;Transaction ApplicationID="7c523a4-7da7-4e59-b888-569fe65c535b" Command="Debit" Mode="Test"&gt;


















    "Transaction": {










        "MerchantName""iVeri Payment Technology",






        "DisplayAmount""R 30.00",



        "CardType""Unknown CardType",

        "Issuer""Unknown Issuer",






        "MerchantAddress""MERCHANT ADDRESS",



        "MerchantCountry""South Africa",






        "Result": {













<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=


xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


        <ExecuteResponse xmlns="http://iveri.com/">

            <ExecuteResult>&lt;V_XML Version="2.0" 

Direction="Response"&gt;  &lt;Transaction ApplicationID=

"{7C523A4-7DA7-4E59-B888-569FE65C535B}" Command="Debit" Mode="Test" RequestID="{E01B8439-05B0-4B68-A22F-903D8CB5CC67}"&gt;

    &lt;Result Status="0" Code="0" Description="" 

AppServer="105IVERIAPPPR1N" DBServer=

"105iveridbpr01n" Gateway="Nedbank" AcquirerCode="00" 

AcquirerDescription="" /&gt;











    &lt;MerchantName&gt;iVeri Payment Technology








    &lt;DisplayAmount&gt;R 20.00&lt;/DisplayAmount&gt;



    &lt;CardType&gt;Unknown CardType&lt;/CardType&gt;

    &lt;Issuer&gt;Unknown Issuer&lt;/Issuer&gt;







    &lt;MerchantAddress&gt;MERCHANT ADDRESS





    &lt;MerchantCountry&gt;South Africa











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