Commands & Actions
Transaction Sequence
Visa Checkout
Foreign Exchange
Parameter Description & Action
Gateway Domain Knowledge
Transaction Result Codes
Out Of Band
Payment Facilitator
Pos Device Intergration
Acquire Contact Information
3D Secure
Enterprise API Samples
Card on File
Additional Data Transactions
3D Secure 2 Test Cases
The test cards listed in this section can be used by merchants that makes use of the iVeri Gateway for 3D secure authentication and Authorisation/Debit but can also be used by merchants that make use of the iVeri Gateway for Authorisation messages only.
Things to note about the test cards:
- CVV not required
- Expiry must be current or future date
Nedbank and I&M Bank merchants can use the following test cards for 3D secure authentication calls:
Frictionless Full Authentication |
Scenario 1 |
Authenticated Frictionless Transaction |
Test Values |
Visa:4069425217889137 MC:5163426869252246
Expected results |
ThreeDSecure_RequestID {B5609393-410F-4E6B-B83E-4ADE7443F609} ThreeDSecure_VEResEnrolled Y ThreeDSecure_ProtocolVersion 2.1.0 ThreeDSecure_AuthenticationType 01 ThreeDSecure_DSTransID fafd7e7e-8f43-440a-8b1f-07da705029de CardHolderAuthenticationID uE3eoyx9TB2QJPOY7u22/uTRiT4= CardHolderAuthenticationData AJkBADJAQgAAABOIcQECdISCkYQ= MerchantReference 3DS2:20220412.0422 PAN 4069........9137 Merchant Data ElectronicCommerceIndicator ThreeDSecure ResultCode 0 ResultDescription: ApplicationID: Amount: 5000 Currency: ZAR JWT:
ExpiryDate 092025
Action: Merchant should proceed with the authorization message |
Failed Frictionless Authentication |
Scenario 2 |
Failed Frictionless Transaction |
Test Values |
Visa: 4069421358347845 MC: 5178872338408971
Expected results |
ApplicationID: MerchantReference 3DS2:20220412.0422 MerchantData Amount: 5000 Currency: ZAR ResultCode: -7 ResultDescription: Invalid authentication data
ThreeDSecure_RequestID {6BD9C29F-FB3A-4313-97B2-B40F73356FBE} |
Action: Merchant should NOT proceed with the authorization message |
Challenge Full Authentication |
Scenario 3 |
Authenticated Challenged Transaction |
Test Values |
Visa: 4895749143709709 MC: 5192602720584796 issuer ACS Password: test123 |
Expected Results |
ThreeDSecure_RequestID {5273A72E-1E50-4620-8846-952D151C52F8} ThreeDSecure_VEResEnrolled Y ThreeDSecure_ProtocolVersion 2.1.0 ThreeDSecure_DSTransID 2ce5ff9c-706a-4779-9fd2-da14a912dad7 ThreeDSecure_AuthenticationType 01 CardHolderAuthenticationID 86n92qMCWIercKk9Fj7fzkG93+0= CardHolderAuthenticationData AAEBCHlghgAAAAfQcQFGdISCkYQ= MerchantReference 3DS2:20220412.0422 PAN 4895……..9709 Merchant Data ElectronicCommerceIndicator: ThreeDSecure ResultCode: 0 ResultDescription: ApplicationID: Amount: 2000 Currency: ZAR JWT: ExpiryDate 062025
Action: Merchant should proceed with the Authorisation |
CBZ Bank, CSC Merchant can use the following test cards for 3D secure authentication calls:
Expiry: January/Current year+3
Frictionless Authentication | |
Scenario 1 | Successful Frictionless Authentication |
Test Values | Visa: 4456 5300 0000 1005 MasterCard: 5200 0000 0000 1005 |
Expected results | ElectronicCommerceIndicator: ThreeDSecureAttempted ThreeDSecure_VEResEnrolled: Y ThreeDSecure_ProtocolVersion: 2.1.0 CardHolderAuthenticationID: CardHolderAuthenticationData: ThreeDSecure_DSTransID: JWT: MerchantReference: PAN: MerchantData ExpiryDate: ResultCode: ResultDescription: ApplicationID: Amount: Currency: |
Action: Merchant should proceed with the authorization message | |
Scenario 2 | Unsuccessful Frictionless Authentication |
Test Values | Visa: 4456 5300 0000 1013 MasterCard: 5200 0000 0000 1013 |
Expected results | MerchantReference ApplicationID MerchantData Amount Currency ResultCode: -7 ResultDescription: Invalid authentication data ThreeDSecure_RequestID |
Action: Merchant should NOT proceed with the authorization message. Ask the customer for another form of payment. | |
Scenario 3 | Attempts Processing Frictionless Authentication |
Test Values | Visa: 4456 5300 0000 1021 MasterCard: 5200 0000 0000 1021 |
Expected results | ThreeDSecure_RequestID ThreeDSecure_VEResEnrolled: Y ThreeDSecure_ProtocolVersion: 2.1.0 ThreeDSecure_DSTransID CardHolderAuthenticationID CardHolderAuthenticationData MerchantReference PAN MerchantData ElectronicCommerceIndicator: ThreeDSecureAttempted ResultCode: 0 ResultDescription ApplicationID Amount Currency JWT ExpiryDate
Action: Merchant should proceed with the authorization message | |
Scenario 4 | Unavailable Frictionless Authentication |
Test Values | Visa: 4456 5300 0000 1039 MasterCard: 5200 0000 0000 1039 |
Expected results | ThreeDSecure_RequestID ThreeDSecure_VEResEnrolled: Y ThreeDSecure_ProtocolVersion: 2.1.0 ThreeDSecure_DSTransID ElectronicCommerceIndicator: SecureChannel ResultCode: 0 ResultDescription ApplicationID MerchantReference PAN MerchantData Amount Currency JWT ExpiryDate |
Action: Merchant should NOT proceed to authorization and should terminate transaction – no liability protection | |
Scenario 5 | Rejected Frictionless Authentication |
Test Values | Visa: 4456 5300 0000 1047 MasterCard: 5200 0000 0000 1047 |
Expected results | ApplicationID MerchantReference MerchantData Amount Currency ResultCode: -7 ResultDescription: Invalid authentication data ThreeDSecure_RequestID |
Action: Merchant should NOT proceed with the authorization message. Ask the customer for another form of payment |
Challenged Authentication | |
Scenario 1 | Bypassed
Authentication |
Test Values | Visa: 4456 5300 0000 1088 MasterCard: 5200 0000 0000 1088 |
Expected results | ThreeDSecure_RequestID: {09F95A60-6CAF-4DCE-9DE2-6EAAA02909F8} ElectronicCommerceIndicator: SecureChannel ThreeDSecure_VeResEnrolled: B ThreeDSecure_ProtocolVersion: 2.1.0 ThreeDSecure_DSTransID: b2362509-b30c-477b-9879-7b274be62c6d ResultCode 0 ResultDescription ApplicationID {xxxxxxxx-53F5-4AE9-ADB2-xxxxxxxxxxxx} MerchantReference 3DS2:20220421.005 Amount 2000 Currency ZAR JWT PAN 4456........1088 ExpiryDate 012025 MerchantData |
Action: No Authentication data returned. Merchant should NOT proceed with the authorization message. Ask the customer for another form of payment | |
Scenario 2 | Successful Step-Up Authentication |
Test Values | Visa: 4456 5300 0000 1096
MasterCard: 5200
0000 0000 1096 |
Expected results | ThreeDSecure_RequestID: {BFF7BC12-70D3-4EC4-A0EB-FAC70038C597} CardHolderAuthenticationID: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= CardHolderAuthenticationData: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= ElectronicCommerceIndicator: ThreeDSecure ThreeDSecure_ProtocolVersion: 2.1.0 ThreeDSecure_DSTransID: 603e2288-7886-46de-a6f1-4f69546e1e94 ThreeDSecure_TransactionID: YGsxy3oPA7pCuUxo2fy0 ResultCode: 0 ResultDescription ApplicationID: {xxxxxxxx-53F5-4AE9-ADB2-xxxxxxxxxxxx} MerchantReference: 3DS2:20220421.005 Amount: 2000 Currency: ZAR JWT PAN: 4456........1096 ExpiryDate: 012025 MerchantData |
Action: Merchant should proceed with the authorization message | |
Scenario 3 | Unsuccessful
Step-Up Authentication |
Test Values | Visa: 4456 5300 0000 1039
MasterCard: 5200
0000 0000 1039 |
Expected results | ApplicationID : {xxxxxxxx-53F5-4AE9-ADB2-xxxxxxxxxxxx MerchantReference: 3DS2:20220421.001 MerchantData Amount: 2000 Currency: ZAR ResultCode: -7 ResultDescription: Invalid authentication data ThreeDSecure_RequestID: {1F9A2633-33AD-4A9A-9C65-EA42219BA2FA}
Action: The merchant should NOT proceed with the authorization message. Ask the customer for another form of payment. |