
Authenticated collections are intended to enable a merchant who wants to make regular direct debits to a customer’s account to authenticate the customer. 

This has two benefits:

  • The merchant has proved that the customer has consented to these regular debits
  • The customer has verified themselves by way of a pin validation so there is a higher level of comfort that the customer's account is a valid account and does belong to the customer.

Authenticated Collections is currently only available from Nedbank. In addition, the Authenticated Collections provider parameter must be enabled otherwise the transaction will be declined.

Coding for Authenticated Collection data

The following is a code snippet in C#:


enterprise.setTag("AccountNumber", accountNumber);

enterprise.setTag("DebtorIdentification", debtorIdentification);

enterprise.setTag("MaximumCollectionAmount", maximumCollectionAmount);



Note:  That MerchantReference must be set for Authenticated Collections AND the transaction must be PIN authenticated card present. The MerchantReference is used as the contract reference. An AuthorisationCode is returned if successful.

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