
Getting Started

With the REST API, merchants can enable card acceptance from a card not present or card present environment, where payments can include the use of tokenised cards and 3D secure authenticated data elements.

To begin processing transactions to the iVeri Gateway, the following has to be in place:

  1. Merchant Profile
  2. Generate Certificate in Backoffice 
    1. Only the certificate ID is required on transaction request to the iVeri Gateway
    2. Before use, the certificate ID has to be linked to the merchants application on the Gateway, reach out to iVeri support on assist@iveri.com to action

To get a view of the applicable parameters per payment instruction, the following sections can be referenced:
Commands and Action
Payment Flow
Parameter Description
Parameter Per Action

REST Endpoints 

On all REST endpoints the following applies:

  • Content Type: application/JSON
  • Only GET & POST methods are supported

Gateway endpoints for submitting transactions by acquiring bank:

Nedbank Merchants: https://portal.nedsecure.co.za/ 

iVeri PSP Merchants: https://portal.iveri.co.za/

CSC acquiring bank merchants:  https://portal.cscacquiring.com/ 

CBZ Bank merchants: https://portal.host.iveri.com/ 

I&M Bank merchants: https://portal.host.iveri.com/ 

CIM Merchants: https://portal.merchant.cim.mu/

Endpoint Overview






Submit transactions to iVeri Gateway endpoint  

card processing of transactions to the Gateway


HTTP Method: GET

returns the server UTC datetime formatted as “yyyyMMddHHmmssfff'



HTTP Method: GET

Returns the user parameter configuration in Backoffice.

Mode is optional. When not specified "live" configuration will be returned

Usage: Optional, and only applicable to mPress Card Present transactions 


HTTP Method: GET

Returns the current bin list used by the gateway in determining whether to prompt for PIN entry on POS devices when the card service code incorrectly identifies this requirement.

 Usage: card present scenarios


HTTP Method: GET

Returns the application transaction history for the last 7 days

Optional, but can be used to fetch any transactions processed by the Gateway


HTTP Method: GET

Returns transaction details for a particular transaction identified by the requestid




Upload cardholder digital signature to the iVeri Gateway

 Only applicable in the mPress, mPos  Card Present solution




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