
UPOP SecurePlus Authentication


This card authentication services deter unauthorized card use and enable you you to accept authenticated UnionPay debit and credit card payments. Payer Authentication through has been made available by iVeri with the addition of the following Enquiry commands:

  • UPOPAuthenticationRequestCreation

  • UPOPAuthenticationResponseValidation


  • The Merchant must be enabled for 3DSecure Checking on the iVeri Gateway.

  • This functionality is not available by default, it is specific to an acquirer.

  • Depending on the implementation of 3Dsecure it could either be used on your existing 3Dsecure implementation especially if it is via the iVeri Gateway or potentially have to do a completely new integration if you directly with the 3DS vendor.

    Request Creation

    The goal is to create the Authentication Request message to be posted to the UPOP authentication server. To do so, you would build up a Enquiry request with the command set as UPOPAuthenticationRequestCreation. The following required parameters needs to be sent:

    • ApplicationID
    • CertificateID
    • Mode
    • MerchantReference
    • Amount
    • Currency
    • PAN
    • UPOP_TransactionTime
    • UPOP_FrontUrl
    • UPOP_BackUrl
    • UPOP_RelatedTransactionType
    If the Request Creation was unsuccessful the merchant is not permitted to continue with the transaction. Instead, ask the customer for another form of payment.

    If the Request Creation was successful, the following parameters will be returned:

    • UPOP_RequestID - Links the Creation process with the Validation process.
    • UPOP_TransactionTime - Must always be present
    • UPOP_Endpoint- Only Present if Creation process successful.
    • UPOP_ACPReq- Only Present if Creation process successful.

    The merchant’s website will have to be redirected to the Authentication Server UPOP Endpoint and the ACPReq must be posted to it. An example of the redirect page is available here.

    Request Validate
    The Authentication Response message received from the UPOP authentication server must now be validated. To do so, you would build up a Enquiry request with the command set as UPOPAuthenticationResponseValidation. The following required parameters need to be sent:

    • ApplicationID
    • CertificateID
    • Mode
    • UPOP_RequestID - Links the Creation process with the Validation process.
    • UPOP_TransactionTime - Must always be present
    • UPOP_ACPRes- ACPRes message extracted from the form - example here
    If the Request Validation was unsuccessful the merchant is not permitted to submit the transaction for authorisation. Instead ask the customer for another form of payment.

    If the Request Validation was successful, the following parameters will be returned and is required to be sent through to the gateway:

    • UPOP_RequestID - Must be send to gateway with transaction.
    • UPOP_TransactionTime - Must be send to gateway with transaction.
    • CardHolderAuthenticationData -Must be send to gateway with transaction.
    • ElectronicCommerceIndicator- Must be send to gateway with transaction.


    The examples provided in this apply when using the web service interface to perform various transactions.
    Because of the large number of elements present in the schema definition, these examples highlight the elements that are most used to perform various transactions. It is important to note that the elements must appear in the same order they appear in the schema definition.
    For a further explanation of each individual elements, see Section 7.

    The examples cover the following messages:

    Comprehensive Request and Response

    The Request message shows all of the elements that are most commonly used. The examples that follow will use the Mandatory elements from this message necessary to perform the respective transaction covered in the example.
    The response message is a typical response received from the web service to the various request messages.
    Credit Card Authorisation
    Credit Card Sale
    Credit Card Follow-up Sale (converting a previous authorisation into a sale)
    Debit Card Sale
    Void by Merchant Reference
    Void by Trace
    Void by Follow-up
    Sale with 3D Secure Elements
    Request for Debit

    Comprehensive Request and Response
    Request Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="A8CBF8DA-92C8-4DF0-93C4-BFA285D66346" Direction="Request">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="8B2101C2-88A2-11D4-BCCF-0000E884F861" Command="Debit" Mode="Test">
            <CardHolderAuthenticationID />
            <CardHolderAuthenticationData />
            <CashAmount />
            <OriginalMerchantTrace />
            <AccountType />
            <KeySerialNumber />
            <DeviceSerialNumber />
            <DeviceMake />
            <DeviceCycle />
            <PurchaseDate />
            <PurchaseTime />
            <PurchaseIdentifier />
            <AuthorisationCode />
            <BudgetPeriod />
            <Currency />
            <ElectronicCommerceIndicator />
            <MerchantReference>2010-08-18 16:43:40.275</MerchantReference>
            <Terminal />
            <TransactionIndex />
            <OriginalRequestID />
            <PINBlock />
            <Track2 />

    Response Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" Direction="Response">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="{8B2101C2-88A2-11D4-BCCF-0000E884F861}" Command="Debit" Mode="Test" RequestID="{59B08CCE-ACF8-48C4-9E4C-E3134640DC2D}">
            <Result Status="0" AppServer="BOROMIR" DBServer="ARWEN" Gateway="iVeri Client "gateway"" />
            <MerchantReference>2010-08-18 16:43:40.275</MerchantReference>
            <TransactionIndex>{0505EC40-65CA-4F81-A806-FA1F2C45BA37} </TransactionIndex>
            <MerchantName>iVeri Payment Technology</MerchantName>
            <MerchantAddress>Wierda Valley</MerchantAddress>
            <MerchantCountry>South Africa</MerchantCountry>
            <DisplayAmount>R 1.23</DisplayAmount>
            <CardType>Unknown CardType</CardType>

    Credit Card Authorisation

    Request Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{issued certificate id}" Direction="Request">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="{associated application id}" Command="Debit" Mode="Test">

    Credit Card Follow-up Sale (converting a previous authorisation into a sale)
    Request Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{issued certificate id}" Direction="Request">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="{associated application id}" Command="Debit" Mode="Test">

    Debit Card Sale
    Request Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{issued certificate id}" Direction="Request">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="{associated application id}" Command="Debit" Mode="Test">

    Void by Merchant Reference
    Request Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{1DE2555B-5958-487C-A882-A3A10AE7C22A}" ProductType="Enterprise" ProductVersion="iVeriWebservice" Direction="Request">

        <Transaction ApplicationID="{AF8E6E69-ADC5-4D4F-B446-43D2E1E598D3}" Command="Void" Mode="Live">




    Response Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" Direction="Response">

        <Transaction ApplicationID="{AF8E6E69-ADC5-4D4F-B446-43D2E1E598D3}" Command="Void" Mode="Live" RequestID="{03AACDCD-5EA1-4961-B7C3-14CFC26D2B6F}">

            <Result Status="0" AppServer="BOROMIR" DBServer="ARWEN" Gateway="iVeri Client "gateway"" />




    Void by Trace
    Request Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{1DE2555B-5958-487C-A882-A3A10AE7C22A}" ProductType="Enterprise" ProductVersion="iVeriWebservice" Direction="Request">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="{AF8E6E69-ADC5-4D4F-B446-43D2E1E598D3}" Command="Void" Mode="Live">

    Response Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" Direction="Response">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="{AF8E6E69-ADC5-4D4F-B446-43D2E1E598D3}" Command="Void" Mode="Live" RequestID="{03AACDCD-5EA1-4961-B7C3-14CFC26D2B6F}">
            <Result Status="0" AppServer="BOROMIR" DBServer="ARWEN" Gateway="iVeri Client "gateway"" />

    Void by Follow-up
    Request Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{1DE2555B-5958-487C-A882-A3A10AE7C22A}" ProductType="Enterprise" ProductVersion="iVeriWebservice" Direction="Request">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="{AF8E6E69-ADC5-4D4F-B446-43D2E1E598D3}" Command="Void" Mode="Live">
            <OriginalRequestID>{BDB162C6-D1CE-494E-BD66-ED40DF2B2B70} </OriginalRequestID>

    Response Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" Direction="Response">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="{AF8E6E69-ADC5-4D4F-B446-43D2E1E598D3}" Command="Void" Mode="Live" RequestID="{03AACDCD-5EA1-4961-B7C3-14CFC26D2B6F}">
            <Result Status="0" AppServer="BOROMIR" DBServer="ARWEN" Gateway="iVeri Client "gateway"" />
            <OriginalRequestID>{BDB162C6-D1CE-494E-BD66-ED40DF2B2B70} </OriginalRequestID>

    Sale with 3D Secure Elements
    Request Message

    <V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID="{}" Direction="Request">
        <Transaction ApplicationID="" Command="Void" Mode="Test">

    Request for Debit
    Request Message

    <V_XML CertificateID="172bc42c-7ffb-44d0-a1e4-441444e1274c" Direction="Request" ProductType="Enterprise" ProductVersion="iVeriClient.JAVA v4.0.2" Version="2.0">
          <Enquiry ApplicationID="1e983347-de24-406f-9a63-db63bc922f54" Command="RequestForDebit" Mode="Test">

    Response Message

    <V_XML Direction="Response" Version="2.0">
       <Enquiry ApplicationID="{1E983347-DE24-406F-9A63-DB63BC922F54}" Command="RequestForDebit" Mode="Test" RequestID="{1D0AA3F7-F355-486C-B11B-367A6D070E8E}">
             <Result Status="0" AppServer="BOROMIR" DBServer="ARWEN" Gateway="iVeri Client "gateway"" />

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