
 An iVeri transaction is the combination of a transaction request such as a command for an Authorisation, AuthorisationReversal, Debit, Credit, Void and its corresponding response.

A transaction sequence relates to the complete set of movement of goods and services and can include many related transactions.

An iVeri transaction involves communication between the following players:

Card Holder <-> Merchant <-> iVeri Gateway <-> Acquirer <-> Association <-> Issuer

Unique Identifiers 

The players in an iVeri transaction generate the following fields to identify an individual transaction:


    Individual transaction identifier


    Merchant Trace

    iVeri Gateway



    Acquirer Reference

    The players in an iVeri transaction generate the following fields to identify a transaction sequence:


    Transaction sequence identifier


    Merchant Reference

    iVeri Gateway

    Transaction Index

    A MerchantReference is a unique identifier defined by the Merchant for a transaction sequence within a limited time period.  A MerchantReference is mandatory (for initial transaction requests and optional for follow-up requests). It typically corresponds to an invoice or ticket number (a transaction sequence).

    A MerchantTrace is a unique identifier for each request sent to the gateway and is an optional parameter. The MerchantTrace corresponds to a database index that was generated before a request was sent to the gateway. In short, the MerchantTrace refers to a particular step in the transaction sequence.

    For a Debit followed by an immediate Void (cancellation of ticket etc): The MerchantReference remains the same for both steps of the transaction sequence, while the MerchantTrace is different for the Debit and Void.

    A single MerchantReference can be associated with many MerchantTrace's.
    Similarly, a single TransactionIndex can be associated with many RequestID's.

    TransactionIndex and Follow up transactions

    TransactionIndex refers to the unique identifier given by the iVeri Gateway to a set of related transactions. When a TransactionIndex is an input parameter, then the command is referred to as a “follow up”. Therefore, the actions with the suffix “with TransactionIndex” mean “as a Follow up transaction”.
    Follow up transactions by default use the same card information that was set in the initial transaction, however by default the follow up is considered a Card not present (Keyed) transaction.
    Specifying one of the following mutually exclusive optional follow up input parameters can change the default behaviour:

    Track2 : the follow up transaction is considered a “Swiped” transaction
    ExpiryDate: applicable to change when the original expiry date is in the past.

    A follow up transaction can be done within 6 months of the original transaction.
    It can be used within a valid transaction sequence (eg a credit after a debit), but not for an invalid sequence (eg a debit following a credit).
    It cannot be used for a PIN based transaction.

    Reversal transaction (Negative transaction)

    A reversal transaction is an equal but opposite transaction to a previously successful transaction. This is typically a refund (i.e. a credit following a debit). A reversal typically results in both legs of the transaction being shown on the merchants and cardholders’ statements.

    A merchant may initiate a reversal any time after a transaction was processed. A merchant can perform the reversal either by:
    performing a follow up transaction within 6 months of the original iVeri transaction,
    initiating a new transaction request with the cardholder’s details.
    A reversal should not be confused with a Void

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