
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)

Dynamic Currency Conversion is a service that enables cardholders to make international card purchases or transactions in their own currency. The conversion of the purchase price of goods or services from the merchant’s local currency to the cardholder’s home currency occurs at the point of sale at the quoted exchange rate from a cited exchange rate source.

Merchant  Requirements
  • Merchant must enter into an agreement with an acquiring institution for DCC acceptance
  • The merchants application iD must be enabled for DCC on the iVeri Gateway. Additionally, the merchant ID responsible for accepting DCC payments should be configured on the Gateway and acquiring institution that holds the merchant agreement

 DCC Transaction Flow

1.      Perform an enquiry DCC rate request using a PAN and Amount to the iVeri Gateway

2.      Merchant presents the returned DCC rate offer to the customer

3.      Perform a transaction using the customers elected currency

Step 1: Sample – DCC Request with Specified PAN and Base Amount

REST Request

SOAP Response







    "Enquiry": {














<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"




  <Execute xmlns="http://iveri.com/">





    &lt;V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID=


    ProductType="Enterprise" ProductVersion="iVeriWebService

" Direction="Request"&gt;

    &lt;Enquiry ApplicationID="{56cdf444-b238-4609-9137-148a34b08f59}" Command="DynamicCurrencyConversion"

















REST and SOAP Response 




    "Enquiry": {









        "MerchantAddress""MERCHANT ADDRESS",



        "MerchantCountry""South Africa",


        "ForeignExchange": {

            "ForeignExchangeItem": [










                    "ExpiryDateTime""2023-12-30 15:10:21",



                    "Source""REUTERS WHOLESALE INTERBANK",

                    "SourceTimestamp""2022-03-29 17:31:06"








        "Result": {













<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=


xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


        <ExecuteResponse xmlns="http://iveri.com/">

            <ExecuteResult>&lt;V_XML Version="2.0" 


  &lt;Enquiry ApplicationID="{56CDF444-B238-4609-9137-148A34B08F59}" Command="DynamicCurrencyConversion"

 Mode="Live" RequestID="{0192B92C-E645-4E67-877D-4EEB71492818}"&gt;

    &lt;Result Status="0" Code="0" Description="" 

AppServer="QA2019GWAPP01" DBServer=

"QA2019GWDB02" Gateway="QA" AcquirerCode="00" 

AcquirerDescription="" /&gt;










    &lt;MerchantAddress&gt;MERCHANT ADDRESS





    &lt;MerchantCountry&gt;South Africa





      &lt;ForeignExchangeItem Version="1.0"&gt;









        &lt;ExpiryDateTime&gt;2023-12-30 15:30:27&lt;/ExpiryDateTime&gt;






        &lt;SourceTimestamp&gt;2022-03-29 17:31:06&lt;/SourceTimestamp&gt;









Step 2:  Present DCC offer to the customer

When the DCC rate is returned by the iVeri Gateway, the merchant should present the rate offer to the customer. In turn, the offer allows the customer to choose if they want to pay for services/goods in their native or merchant currency.

Step 3: Sample - Perform a transaction using the customers elected currency











    "Transaction": {



















<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"




  <Execute xmlns="http://iveri.com/">





    &lt;V_XML Version="2.0" CertificateID=


    ProductType="Enterprise" ProductVersion=

"iVeriWebService" Direction="Request"&gt;

    &lt;Enquiry ApplicationID="{56cdf444-b238-4609-9137-148a34b08f59}" Command= Mode="Live"&gt;





























    "Transaction": {
















        "DisplayAmount""R 50.00",



        "CardType""Unknown Card Type",

        "Issuer""Unknown Issuer",






        "MerchantAddress""MERCHANT ADDRESS",



        "MerchantCountry""South Africa",




        "DisplayForeignAmount""KSh 405.29",





        "Result": {














0 0

