
3D Secure 2 implementation using the Form Post

In order to trigger the 3DS 2 to the Gateway, merchants can redirect to the 3DS 2 endpoint  - threedsecure/EnrollmentInitial using a form with the required variables, on completion, response data will be returned to the merchant's return URL. Dependent on the set of data returned, the merchant can either proceed with the Authorisation/Debit message or will have to terminate transaction to the card holder.

The parameters that are appplicable in the form post can be referenced in the 3DS 2 section 

POST Form variables to the 3DS 2 endpoint 

Merchants can do a form post to the 3DS 2 endpoint per the below sample: A few adjustments must be made in the sample:

  • Replace the application with the merchants application iD
  • Amend the base domain to match the one used for posting Debit/Authorisation messages
  • Check with assist@iveri.com that 3DS 2 is enabled on the application iD
  • Use 3DS 2 test cards 

Form POST example

<form name="Form1" method="post"action="https://[portal domain]/threedsecure/EnrollmentInitial" id="Form1">

<input type="hidden" name="ApplicationID" id="ApplicationID" value="{merchant applicationID}" />

              <input type="hidden" name="ReturnUrl" id="ReturnUrl" value="https://[merchant return URL]" />

              <div>Amount:</div><input type="text" name="Amount" id="Amount" value="2000" /></br>

              <input type="hidden" name="Currency" id="Currency" value="ZAR" />

<div>Reference:</div><input type="text" name="MerchantReference" id="MerchantReference" value="20210920.001" /></br>

              <div>PAN:</div><input type="text" name="PAN" id="PAN" value="5192602720584796" /></br>

              <div>Expiry:</div><input type="text" name="ExpiryDate" id="ExpiryDate" value="012023" /></br>

 <br /><input type="submit" name="buttonPostData" value="Post Data" id="buttonPostData" class="clsButton" style="width:90px;"


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